

Tensors in Space-Time Curvature

by Aditya Mittal – April 14, 2006 to April 26, 2006


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General Relativity Overview


The essence of General Relativity is that there exists a 4 dimensional space-time consisting of 3 dimensions of space and 1 of time that is shaped by matter.  Often, space-time is compared to a trampoline.  A heavy object on a trampoline causes it to sag.  Then if we add other objects in the trampoline, the objects will fall inwards.  This picture is nice; however, in reality space-time is different from the trampoline in that the trampoline is not only below the object but throughout it and all around it.  More precisely in 2 dimensions for simplicity we can imagine a vector field, namely force field, spreading the Euclidean Plane.  We can then place objects in this force field that have a certain mass and cause the vectors in their region of the plane to change.  Then, we can define the motion of any such object as being given by Newton’s Second Law.  In this way, Einstein’s model is consistent with Newton’s model but gives a more general concept of space.  The complete definition of Euclidean Geometry is given on my Geometry page at


Einstein’s model goes beyond this however, since it deals not in Euclidean space but in Minkowski space, including time as the fourth dimension.  This fourth dimension comes from Special Relativity since time just like distances undergoes Lorentz transformations and is relativistic to an observer.  Of course, we define the concept of time based on the properties of light and therefore, light always travels at a constant speed since if light has traveled more distance than more time must have passed.  This is the case with all electromagnetic radiation.  Since electromagnetism led to the conclusion that mass and energy are related by speed of light squared, we ended up with the result that energy can be converted to mass and vice versa.  So, we collide particles and release light energy and vice versa.  From this it is shown that photons must also lose energy when they fall in a gravitational field or else conservation laws are violated.  Therefore, if we add light in our vector field it too will experience the force vectors and its energy will affect the vector field.


Such a bent up space can be said to be a manifold as long as it looks Euclidean locally.  A manifold is an abstract mathematical space which, in a close-up view, resembles the spaces described by Euclidean geometry but which may have a more complicated structure when viewed as a whole.  In the case of Einstein’s space-time this is the case and therefore, it is a manifold.  A similar term is orbifold.  See my Superstrings page for an explanation of that:




A tensor is an abstraction of scalars, vectors, matrices, and linear operators and is used in describing things like fluid mechanics, heat transfer, and in this case space-time curvature.  A scalar is a 0th order tensor, whereas a vector is a first order tensor and a matrix is a second order tensor.  There are three types of tensors: Contravariant, covariant, and mixed composed of both the former.  They are written using the Einstein summation convention which allows a concise algebraic presentation of vector and tensor equations.  The Einstein notation for example takes, A1 + A2 + A3 +…An and simply writes it as Ai where i goes from 1 to n and the summation is implied.  Both contravariant and covariant types have specific mathematical definitions.  Let us, however, concentrate on the Riemann curvature tensor which is a mixed tensor of rank 4 defined by Rαβμν.  The superscripts are for the contravariant indices and subscripts are for covariant indices.  A more formal mathematical discussion of contravariant and covariant is available at  One can then work through topics like conjugate tensor, associated tensors, christoffel symbols and transformations of christoffel symbols.


Riemann Tensor


“As Eddington nicely explained, Einstein's field equations can be constructed from components of Riemann curvature tensor. In a nutshell, the tensor G Eddington mentioned (sometimes called "Einstein tensor") is a sort of average of the Riemann curvature over all directions. Thus, Riemann curvature is the basic notion for expressing gravitational fields; and although the expression of Riemann curvature tensor is different depending on our choice of a coordinate system, this curvature is an invariant quantity. A sphere has a definite (positive) curvature, and it is the same whatever coordinate system you may choose, and likewise a Euclidean plane is flat (zero curvature), independent of any coordinate system. Thus although metric is different in different coordinate systems, the curvature characterized in terms of metric is an invariant quantity.” Friday, April 14, 2006


Riemannian Space


The distance ds between two adjacent points where rectangular Cartesian coordinates are (x,y,z) and (x+dx, y+dy, z+dz) is given by ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2.  Riemann extended the concept of distance to a space of n dimensions and defined the distance ds between two adjacent points xi and xi + dxi by the relation written as ds2 = aijdxidxj using the Einstein summation convention discussed above.  The coefficients aij are functions of the coordinates xi.  This quadratic form ds2 is called the Riemannian metric and we have referred to it often in class.  Any space in which the distance is given by such a metric is called Riemannian space.


Euclidean Space


In particular, if the quadratic form of the coordinate system Xi reduces to ds2 = (dX1)2 + (dX2)2 + (dX3)2 + … (dXn)2,

Then it is called a Euclidean metric and the corresponding space is called Euclidean Space.  Geometry based in this space is called Euclidean geometry and the geometry based in Riemannian space is known as Riemannian geometry.  Compare this way of defining Euclidean geometry with the definition on  In one case we are looking at the geometry in terms of the transformations and in the other case we are looking at the geometry in terms of the space in which it arises.  This seems analogous to the idea of defining motion in the way Newton defined it and the way in which Einstein defined it in light of the principle of equivalence, which tells us that we can’t distinguish between acceleration and a gravitational field removing acceleration from its previously privileged role.  Consider the way in which the second edition of Kenneth Krane’s Modern Physics puts it:

“The equivalence between accelerated motion and gravity suggests a relationship between spacetime coordinates and gravity… Geometry tells matter how to move, and matter tells geometry how to curve.”


Thus, Riemann’s formulation of distances in higher dimensions is clear and from it we can get the metric for different coordinate systems in different dimensions.  Distances and curvature characterized in terms of the metric will always be invariant regardless of the coordinate system used.


Spacetime Curvature from GR


In GR we will use the 4 dimensional space-time coordinate systems and thus get the metric .  Also, we will call ‘ds’ the spactime interval.  This quantity is invariant under the Lorentz transformations which we studies at the very beginning of the relativity and cosmology course although we only worked in a single space dimension then for the purpose of being able to draw.  Clearly, we are in a very special subset of the Riemannian space and the gi correspond to the aij in the Reimann concept of distance.  The Euclidean case on the other hand would only arise if gi = 1 for i = 0,1,2,3.


General relativity gives a relationship between curvature and the density of mass and energy in space:

                   Curvature of space = (mass-energy density)                        (Equation 15.8 Krane)


In this we can look at the classical limit as speed of light goes to infinity the curvature seems to be 0 and thus everything acts as if it were in a Euclidean space.  The other case where spacetime curvature becomes 0 is when there are no significant gravitational fields (the weak-fields limit).


Ricci Tensor


We briefly defined a manifold in the GR overview at the beginning of the page.  The Ricci curvature is “the mathematical object which controls the growth rate of the volume of metric balls in a manifold.”


Essentially, the Ricci tensor is also a special case of the Riemann tensor where the contravariant index is the same as one of the covariant indices.


 (Definition of Ricci Tensor).


See John Baez page on Ricci and Weyl tensors for an interesting conceptualization using coffee grounds


Specifically, let us take a look at how this Ricci tensor is used in GR and what role it plays in the Einstein Field Equations.  The Einstein field equation (EFE) are usually written in the form

R_{ab} - {1 \over 2}R\,g_{ab} = {8 \pi G \over c^4} T_{ab}.

(Einstein Field Equation)


with Rab as the Ricci tensor, R as the Ricci scalar, gab is the metric tensor, and Tab is the stress-energy tensor we talked about in class.  We also said in class how each of these 4x4 tensors representing have 10 independent components.  The 10 independent components of the Ricci tensor and the 10 independent components of the Weyl tensor put together give the complete curvature of a point in the 4-dimensional spacetime.  Usually, the EFE is solved only for special cases such as the Vacuum field or the Linearized EFE.  These special cases are of interest in cosmology when studying objects like blackholes.


Vacuum Field Equations


The vacuum field equation is the special case when the stress energy tensor goes to 0.  Making Einstein field equation become


 The solutions to the vacuum field equations are called vacuum solutions. Minkowski space (flat space) is the simplest example of a vacuum solution. Nontrivial examples include the Schwarzschild solution and the Kerr solution.


Additional Links:  ; mathematical description  ; simple curvature description

